how to delete grey plus (+)

• Mar 6, 2025 - 20:41

As seen in the screenshot I have found a grey + sign in my partiture.
What does it mean and how do I delete this hidden bar?

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grey plus.png 34.87 KB


If you need to correct this--that is, if the measure was (for example) scanned incorrectly so has three eighth notes instead of an eighth-note triplet--you can correct the notes and move (Ctrl+X Cut / Ctrl+V Paste) them to the ((beginning** of the measure. Then right-click on the measure (not on any note/rest, but on blank space within the measure) and click the Measure properties... option from the context menu. On the Measure properties dialog, change the Actual duration to match the Nominal duration.

FYI: this is also the way to MAKE a measure have more (or less) notes than the time signature indicates if you want to do this.

In reply to by Computerkrack

We're reaching the end of my knowledge at this point :-)

Check out the Handbook at In particular, read the sections on "Create a new part", "Managing synchronisation of score and parts", and "Renaming, duplicating and deleting parts".

By "regenerate", I meant to delete the Part (yes, losing any customization you have made) and creating a new Part for the instrument in question.

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