Adding an upper line to a score in Musescore 4
I am, to say the least and modestly, extremely frustrated with this program. All I do is fix items (hymns, choir songs, specials) for church use where certain instrumental parts might be needed. Added to the multitude of other confusions I have had is the following: I have a need to add four measures to be used by an obligato muted trumpet above four other certain measures in the piano score. I have researched this time and again to no avail. The instructions I can find are for older versions of Musescore and do not produce the results I need often because there is no such selection offered in version 4.4.4. I may have version 4.5, but that, too, is something I have no clue as to how to find out.
If I try to add a part, it comes up blank, with no score on which to write the notes OR it suddenly appears BELOW the staff of the piano part. Is there any way to get this line put above the staff or can I somehow INCREASE the space between the staves so as to HANDWRITE the four measures for the trumpet.
Thanks for any help.
I have used another free version music writing software, but it, too, was beyond frustrating. Thanks again.
Did you check the cutaway option in staff properties?
In reply to Did you check the cut-out… by Jojo-Schmitz
Thanks for your reply, Jojo, but I can't even find staff properties to begin with. Are you referring to the Format-Style-Page-spacing adjustments? If so, I found, finally, how to increase the spacing between staff systems so as to write in the needed four trumpet measures by hand above the section where he has to play a brief obligato.
This very comment page is, to me, very confusing in itself because it gives me the following options: "Choose a file" ??? Save -like, where? and Preview, which I did figure out what it did.
In reply to Thanks for your reply, Jojo,… by Mudmore
Is something like this what you want?
In reply to Is something like this what… by bobjp
Sorry, Bob. I couldn't open this file because, apparently, I only have version 4.4.4 and need to download a higher version. However, I had to be elsewhere this evening and won't get back to this business until maybe tomorrow afternoon, not sure. But I will try and get the newer version and then open the file. Thanks again.
In reply to Sorry, Bob. I couldn't open… by Mudmore
sorry. I thought you said you had the newest. Here is a picture. If it is close, I'll post the steps.
In reply to sorry. I thought you said… by bobjp
Yes. That is exactly what I need. So, is that something I can do in a higher version? In the meantime, I was able to care for the matter by setting up a one line score, putting in the obbligato notes, adjusting the measure lengths to fit the score below it, printing and trimming it on a paper cutter to fit between the staves that I had expanded apart as far as I could and keep all on one page. Thanks much for your help. I need to stop work now. Very tired. Long day. John 3:16 &36
In reply to Yes. That is exactly what I… by Mudmore
in 4.4
I set up a sample score of flute, oboe, trumpet, and piano.
I put some notes in measures 5-8 in the trumpet part.
Right click a measure of the trumpet part and and select Staff/Part Properties.
Check Cutaway and small staff size. Then apply and OK.
If you need the trumpet closer, select a measure of the trumpet part and add a Staff Spacer Fixed Down and drag the trumpet part down.
In reply to Thanks for your reply, Jojo,… by Mudmore
Right click into the staff, staff properties
See also…