Corrupted file

• Mar 21, 2025 - 17:35

Hi, I was working on my piece, but out of the blue I got the corrupted file notification. I tried my best to save this piece, but nothing seems to work. I had the same problem like 2 months ago, and besides your help, I couldn't get this to work. I would be so so so grateful, if more experienced MuseScore users can help me with this.
I use the latest, 4.5 version of MuseScore.
Thank you so much for your help :)

Attachment Size
Koncert fortepianowy cz. III.mscz 1.25 MB


I had the same issue when I tried to save it in my external hard disk. It left a "trace" in the external hard disk which is read as Muse Score 4.5 icon with the file name but it says the size is 0 bytes & can't neither be opened nor deleted. When I saved it in my internal hard disk, it worked. Then I tried to "cheat" by copying / moving the saved file from the internal hard disk to external hard disk, it didn't work. Now I can just work it from home. Can't work from elsewhere because the file can't be saved in my external hard disk. It never happened with the previous versions.
Thanks for your kind help.

Attachment Size
Tanti Hudoro.jpg 80.99 KB

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