File Corruption

• Aug 18, 2017 - 23:18

If it is possible, can anyone help me know how to repair this file?

Attachment Size
Trumpet's_Accent.mscz 27.39 KB


Sorry, I can't recover any music data from this file. This sort of thing seems to happen really commonly (well, there are often posts about it on this forum) and the best advice is to save files under a different name every 10-15 minutes or so. It does seem to affect Windows computers more than Linux but there are more of the former than the latter so who knows? If I were using Windows (I don't and I don't get corrupt files except for those that I made with very old versions of MuseScore) then I'd save as an uncompressed MSCX file frequently (with name changes) since these files a least appear more readable and potential fixable.

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