Page zoom setting

• Aug 28, 2017 - 20:38

Hi folks,

Have you noticed that with the drop down Zoom dialog box, you can type any number you want (78% for example), but when you type 80%, the box always goes to 800%. You always have to delete one of the zeros.

I've tried typing all kinds of numbers and they all work except 80%. Anyone else seeing this anomaly? I included a pic that shows what the box looks like after I type, "80."


Attachment Size
Zoom box.PNG 10.63 KB


Works just fine for me.

Edit: hmm, no, not always, very strange

It works when I highlight just the number (i.e. excluding thr %), then the 80 statys an 80, but if everything is selected and then an 80 get entered, that 80 becomes an 800%

I don't think Microsoft has anything to do with it; it' just autocomplete coming into play. The choices in the dropdown list include "800", also "100", "200", "400", and "1600". Try typing the first two digits of any of these and it autocompletes to add the remaining digits. Or, try typing just "7" and it autocomplete to "75", and so on.

Autocomplete is a pretty standard of dropdown lists that allow you to type. Probably there is a way for us to disable it here, but I'm not sure it makes sense to do so if this is as common as I believe it is.

In reply to by mike320

Agreed, Mike. I suggest the autocomplete list be modified to 75%, 100%, and 200%, with the ability to type in our own values.

On occasion, I like to look at a three page score with 65% magnification so I can see the overall spacing. At 97%, the score is exactly what a score looks like on paper. (97% on my monitor generates an 8.5 by 11 inche page size.)

Zoom settings cannot be predetermined because there are so many different sized monitors out there. I'd delete the other defaults. They're just in the way. On occasion, I use 80%, which is a pain because I must delete the extra zero.

On a numeric setting, "auto-complete" makes no sense at all. Very, very, very, very occasionally, it may help to fill in a customer name or something similar, but personally if I could banish it permanently from everything I would be happy. Please get rid of it.

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