Incomplete measure appears complete
Load error: File corrupted ... Measure 14 Staff 5 incomplete. Expected: 2/2; Found: 3/4
Measure 14 does indeed have only three beats. The score was originally written (in 2014) with a 3/4 time signature in this measure. After getting the error this week, I removed the time signature and changed the measure properties so that the actual measure duration is 3/4. The error remains.
Windows 7; MuseScore 2.1.0, revision 871c8ce.
you fixed the actual duration of measure 15, but measure 14, staff 5 is corrupt. The pickup measure countes too, so don't rely on the measure numbers
Fixed score attached (select corrupt measure, exchange voice 1 and 2 twice, delete voice 2 rest)
Instead of changing the actual duration in Measure Properties, it would be better to simply change the time signature there - that way human musicians reading it won't be confused (they can't see Measure Properties).
Anyhow, the problem is "real" measure 14 (including pickup), which is measure 13 according to the measure numbering. This measure is indeed still 2/2 but the piano top staff has only three quarter note beats.
In reply to Instead of changing the… by Marc Sabatella
So I was looking at the wrong measure! Now that I know that, the problem is obvious. Thank you!
Like Marc says, I change the time signature from 3/4 . Before I correct the measure 14. I no more remember how to put a 2/2 so I put a 4/4 TwelveDays-Sop-JT140907a,AB170916_0b.mscz