Missing text editing box

• Sep 20, 2017 - 03:00

The text edit box is not appearing. How can I get it to show up? Has never happened before.


In reply to by Dmayfield

When you open Musescore, do you see this in the bottom right corner of the MS window? :
If not; try this: Select "Status Bar" from the "View" menu.
If it's already selected, deselect and re-select.
If the problem goes away in this way, Please let us know here. (Because it could be a bug.)

In reply to by mike320

I know: When I try this, my system does not have this bug. it is not for you either. :)

I thought:
There is a bug that affects the user.
This bug prevents the "text formatting options" from appearing at the bottom of the window.
Is there something else in the same location?
Yes, Status bar.
Maybe, the user turns it off and on and the problem disappears (temporarily).
If so: it will be a clue as to how this bug appears is.
If not: In this case, we understand that my guess is wrong.

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