Probleme de postage
bonjour, y a t il un probleme avec musescore ? car j 'essaie de publier une partition mais le son ne se charge pas
bonjour, y a t il un probleme avec musescore ? car j 'essaie de publier une partition mais le son ne se charge pas
Do you still have an unanswered question? Please log in first to post your question.
Can you be more specific? Are you referring to uploading a score to the web site What exactly goes wrong when you try? Can you attach the score you are having trouble with?
In reply to Can you be more specific? … by Marc Sabatella
oui cela se passe quand je veux la telecharger pour la publier The_Mummy_Returns_-_Orchestral_Suite_Score - Copie.mscz
In reply to oui cela se passe quand je… by publishscore
As mentioned, in order to help, we would need you to describe precisely - step by step - what you are doing, what you expect to see happen, and what happens instead.
In reply to As mentioned, in order to… by Marc Sabatella
Pour ce faire je vais dans "Telecharger" puis je sélectionne la partition désirer, je mets une brève description.
Ensuite , la partition se charge et j'arrive sur cette page- là :
Cette page me dit que son se charge mais celle-ci reste bloquée . Normalement , la page devrais automatiquement charger le son et ainsi publier la vidéo.
In reply to Pour ce faire je vais dans … by publishscore got migrated to a new server hardware today, maybe this is a fallout. Might be an idea to contact about this.
There's also French forum, here in the English forum there is only limited amount of foreign language knowledge...
In reply to got migrated… by Jojo-Schmitz
Should be fixed now, at least I could upload a file, and I can see and hear your's
In reply to Pour ce faire je vais dans … by publishscore
Thx for posting about this. We are investigating the problem.