aaviolin (AKA, All-Around Violin Soundfont)
Hi everyone. May I present to you, the aaviolin (AKA, All-Around Violin Soundfont)!
I think this soundfont is SO AWESOME! I don't know who recorded the samples and made the soundfont and where I can find these violin samples?. But if you guys have any ideas, answers, or results, Please feel-free to comment below.
There are 3 versions of the soundfont: (The Original, The New and Edited Version, and the (triples)mini Version.)
1. The Original is just the Original.
2. In the New and Edited Version, I adjusted the volume and the key range in Polyphone, But the Soundfont is the same almost.
3. The (triples)mini Version's samples are quite different and they are looped.
There are some .mp3 demos of the soundfont (Mostly done by the New and Edited Version.)
1. aaviolin Phrase 1 (Violin Piano)
2. aaviolin Phrase 2 (Violin Forte)
3. aaviolin Phrase 3 (Violin Forte Extra Long)
4. Tchaikovsky Violin Concerto in D Major (With the Squidfont Orchestral and the Bellatrix Orchestra Soundfonts)
5. Canon in D Major (With the Chamber Organ Soundfont from My Orchestra Soundfont and Karoryfer x bigcat cello.
Download the Soundfont here and use it for any kind of composition you are creating with MuseScore: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B2I_8bgGH-Q3TlhXMHNYV3lhbWM?usp…
If you have any questions or concerns about the soundfont, Please Comment below.
The Triples... is that Triple S? Did Triple S edit it, or did you?
In reply to The Triples... is that Triple by Laurelin
No. I didn't edit the Triples Version. I think Triple S edited it. NOT me.
these samples are ripped and distribuated in 2004 by TripleS, member of the notorious sf2midi.com-community.
the mini-version is made by boynamedsue (as you can read in the info), because in those days not many users had the memory and cpu-power to play the full version.
In reply to these samples are ripped and… by bottrop
I know where these samples came from now! They actually came from the FULL Version of EWQL Orchestra!
In reply to I know where these samples… by Arianna2001
of course he never mentioned where the samples came from; sf2midi.com had problems enough in the copyright-field, but he had a complete orchestra and was very disappointed about the quality.
the aaviolinsamples are very ugly and hard to loop, i made a try at your version and cropped the mute ends (saves you 13Mb)
In reply to of course he never mentioned… by bottrop
Thanks bottrop! Are there any ways for me to download ALL of the Solo Violin Samples from EWQL? Like I said, the Samples come from EWQL Symphonic Orchestra, and I don't want to waist money on this package.
In reply to Thanks bottrop! Are there… by Arianna2001
i dont think so, TripleS dumped a lot on sf2midi.com, but not all and sf2midi.com is gone. i would not waste too much time either for those samples, because a lot of it is rubbish. TripleS gave me a packet of Ehornsamples that sounded like a muffled kazoo. the aaviolin is made of only the best samples and even there you can hear glitches, scratching and bumps (recorded from too close a distant).
In reply to i dont think so, TripleS… by bottrop
So you are saying these Violin Samples are NOT part of EWQL Symphonic Orchestra? WHO CREATED THE SAMPLES?????!!!!!
In reply to So you are saying these… by Arianna2001
it was never told where the samples came from, you did not ask, you did not want to know, they might be, but EastWest never claimed the copyrights, could be because of the bad revieuws the samples received at sf2midi.com-forum. they were commercial sets, one sample per note, in several fortitudes, dumped on Megaupload, the members of the sf2midi.comcommunity downloaded the packets, mapped the samples and uploaded the result to sf2midi.com, so there were different versions; integrali, mini, looped, picked cherries, velocitylayered...
every week sf2midi.com had to remove some soundfonts because of copyrightclaims, but as far as i know all that TripleSstuff was there until the end of the sites life.
In reply to it was never told where the… by bottrop
I did a bit of my own editing on the aaviolin SoundFont to give a smoother transition between the velocity layers and added it to my Nice-Strings-PlusOrchestra SoundFont which is downloadable from my site
The SoundFont includes Chamber Strings and a nice Harp along with some other Orchestral sounds at 421mb.
In reply to I did a bit of my own… by Jonky Ponky
Thanks!!! Where did the rest of the SoundFonts came from? And can you please give me a link to an mp3 Demo file of it?
In reply to Thanks!!! Where did the rest… by Arianna2001
There is info on the site describing the origin of all the soundfonts that I know of. Most have been heavily edited by myself to improve expressiveness over the velocity range.
Here is a short demo of me fiddling with some of the sounds from the Nice-String-Orchestra soundfont using a midi keyboard.
Sounds good, I've been enjoying this soundfont. One issue with it though is that the playback dies out if the tempo is too slow and you have several tied measures (like 3 or 4 whole notes all tied together). If you check out the example I attached using this soundfont you can see what I mean if its not clear
In reply to Sounds good, I've been… by kodymorgan
Some sounds will fade out (e.g. Piano, Guitar), no matter how long the note is, others don't (e.g Organ, also woodwinds and brass, as long as the players' air reach)
In reply to Sounds good, I've been… by kodymorgan
the playback of the note is not dying out; the dip in the volume is the attack of the next note.
In reply to the playback of the note is… by bottrop
It's not looped, so it won't sustain. It's also not going to be looped, because the sample has a glorious crescendo/decrescendo. Loops require consistency.
If you want sustained notes, use gaglianos violin. It's not as glorious, but nothing is.
In reply to Sounds good, I've been… by kodymorgan
your example plays a looped violin, but if you have an unlooped version on your machine, try this one, not perfectly looped and mono, because i dont believe in stereo.
regards b