Create time signature not on palette

• Nov 10, 2014 - 19:17

I need to add a 9/4 measure, however that time signature is not listed on the palette. Can anyone help me with this?


It is [Shift+T], and this brings up the 'Master Palette' window, there (if not yet) you select 'Time Signatures'. So other option to access this window is View->Master Palette (=[Shift+F9]).
After creation of custom time signature (in the 'Master Palette' click [Add] button at the bottom) you simply click-and-drag this custom time signature from 'Master Palette' window to 'Palettes'->Time Signatures ([F9]) window.

Best regards,

S love nia

In reply to by aum7

I can't thank all you people who read and answer our queries enough. I don't use Musescore enough to be fluent with it but if I can find my question someone, somewhere will have answered it in such a way that I can understand it - which I confess I can't always the Musescore helps.

Thank you all.


I wish to enter a complex time signature, like 2/4 = 6/8 as different voices are using different sets of time signature.

Thank you very much in advanced.

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In reply to by ystang

Hmm, we do support the idea of different time signatures for different staves, but not for different voices on the same staff. You can of course simply enter the music in 6/8 but hide the extra rests that would otherwise appear in the upper voice.

In reply to by jeetee

If you want to make the musicians angry for not signifying that there are 3 beats in a measure prior to having 4 or 2, you can select the triplet bracket and hit "v". This makes the figure selected look grayed out and can hide some nasty editing things that you don't want your musicians or printed conductor sheet see. A good way to use the vanishing technique is by hiding a constant change of tempo to simulate a ritard or accelerando because some still cant do what it's told for some reason... Happy trolling :D

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