Aligning text for multiple verses
Could someone let me know if there's a way to align text all left, from a certain point onwards in a project. I'm setting multiple verses underneath reciting notes and it looks messy as it stands in the attached (final section).
Attachment | Size |
Popule_meus.mscz | 22.95 KB |
Hello, rightclick on text, select text properties and then click align-left.
Hope that is the solution you had in mind.
In reply to Hello, rightclick on text,… by [DELETED] 1307581
Thanks for this. That also moves the notes to the left of the bar, whereas I think it looks better (and is more usual to see) in the middle, as with the other verses. Is there a way to achieve that?
In reply to Thanks for this. That also… by [DELETED] 27476272
You wrote:
Is there a way to achieve that?
Select the two-note chords and use the Inspector to change the horizontal offset.
See attachment.
In reply to Thanks for this. That also… by [DELETED] 27476272
Can you show published examples of this? I am not accustomed to seeing notes centered in measures if there is a long lyric line attached. But if it's something standard in some segment of the industry, perhaps we can investigate a way of automating it.
I would suggest that you put the words you want left aligned into verse 2. Unfortunately it will require you to reenter all of the words. You can then change the vertical offset on all of these words to be on the same line as the words you currently have. Next, open the style->text... menu select Lyrics Odd Lines and change the alignment to left rather than center.
The only other way to change these is one at a time. Right click a lyric, Text Properties... change alignment to left, and repeat.
In reply to I would suggest that you put… by mike320
Terribly sorry - I'm not sure I understand.
Is this in relation to my request to have the notes centred? If so, can you explain how I can manage to get all the verses for 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 into verse 2? Every time I hit repeat it just starts a new verse.
In reply to Terribly sorry - I'm not… by [DELETED] 27476272
I obviously don't understand what you want. You asked to justify the lyrics from a certain point. You currently have all of the lyrics center justified. Perhaps your native language is not English and I caused misunderstanding also. When I said "repeat," I meant to repeat the procedure for each lyric you want to change. There is no repeat button on the keyboard. In English, the key you pressed is either called Return or Enter.
In reply to I obviously don't understand… by mike320
Repeat was a typo: they occur in all languages! And, yes, rest assured yours truly is English.
I am, however, perhaps not as Musescore-literate as you since I downloaded it for the first time 48 hours ago.
I attach pictures of what I see here. Quite common in Catholic literature.
In reply to Repeat was a typo: they… by [DELETED] 27476272
Interesting; it's not really centered but placed somewhat arbitrarily. I can't see any particular rule being followed there, and again the usual rule is to either center the lyrics and note together or to left both. To get this specific more arbitrary placement, I think you will have to continue adjusting it manually by eye just as the engraver apparently did here.
In reply to Repeat was a typo: they… by [DELETED] 27476272
@ Matthew, do you mean something like that (measure 53)?
In reply to @ Matthew, do you mean… by Shoichi
Just an idea: append a frame and insert the stanzas?
In reply to Just an idea: append a frame… by Shoichi
All good ideas. I still just prefer the look of bars 41, 43, and so was wondering whether I was missing an option somehow. Perhaps this section will have to look different...
In reply to All good ideas. I still just… by [DELETED] 27476272
Looks like @Jm6stringer has solved my problem. Many thanks!
In reply to Looks like @Jm6stringer has… by [DELETED] 27476272
For a 48-hour turnaround with no previous experience I'm pretty pleased. A testimony more to Musescore. Any tips for improvements?
In reply to For a 48-hour turnaround… by [DELETED] 27476272
Style/Text->Short Instrument name: Centered?
;-) Complimenti.
In reply to Style/Text->Short Instrument… by Shoichi
In reply to Great! by [DELETED] 27476272
Next step is to share:
Buona musica!