
• Oct 31, 2013 - 20:14

Hi! I am creating a sheet and I found a problem. I want to repeat the chorus (part B of the structure) three times, but I want to, when played, the first time it runs, play four bars (prima volta), and when return, another bars (seconda volta). After the second play, go to part C and with "Dal Segno al Fine", return to the chorus for the third time and finish any other way than before (terza volta) .
The problem is that I wrote the chorus and end the lines that say "prima volta" , "seconda volta" and "terza volta" and then , the C. But when played, the playback plays second and third at once, without waiting for playing the part C and repeat the chorus for the third time.
I think the mistake is that in the end measure of the first round there is a double bar repeat to return at first, then give the second round to the chorus but that the third party does not make it apart because repetition is in the Dal Segno al Fine, not a snooze bar.
What I want to know is if it's a playback mistake or if there is another way to write in scores and is wrong. I will put a screenshot if I explained badly. What interests me most of all is if it is well written in the score , if it is a failure to play a bit like me , but I 'd like to know too. Thank you very much in advance .
PS: I read and saw videos of how to do the repetitions and turns in Musescore , but only appear the first and second round while my problem lies in the third.

I'm sorry if you don't understand what I say clearly. I don't speak English very well, but the forums of my country are too slow...


As mentioned, the actual score is usually better than a picture. But even from the picture, I can tell there is a problem. I think it is as you said: the second ending has no repeat at the end of it, so of course playback continues straight through the third ending. If you intend for it to repeat back, you need to use a repeat bar. Or if you intend for the music to continue *after* the third ending, then you need to re-write this whole passage using notation that actually accomplished that goal - probably some combination of repeats, voltas, DS, Coda, and maybe writing a section out multiple times rather than hoping musicians can follow some convoluted road map of jumps. Anyhow, what you have makes no sense musically - a human musician would not understand what to do either. If you fix it to make sense musically, MuseScore should be able to follow it too.

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