Naturals in key signature

• Jan 18, 2018 - 23:21

Can somebody explain to me why in the attached project Musescore is not generating accidentals before the change of key signature to "C major", but when I insert or append a bar attached to bar 1 it does?

Attachment Size
Triple_Alleluia.mscz 41.13 KB


This is strange. It won't show any naturals in key signatures. I tried changing the key signatures in several ways that would lead to naturals in the key signature and the naturals won't show.

I think: This bug is related to "Show-courtesy" property.

1. Put another "Key Signature" on the second measure.
2. Click on the newly added "Key Signature". (select)
3. Unmark the "Show courtesy" box from the inspector.
4. Now put the "C Major" Key signature on the second measure.

In reply to by Shoichi

Indeed, the extra space after the barline is a clue that a problem exists. Apparently a C major key signature exists there after the barline and it is confusing things. I recall a bug in an earlier version that could lead to this situation - did you perchance start this score before 2.1? Can you remember anything about the sequence of events that led to this?

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