Import of .mgu file from Band In a Box

• Feb 3, 2018 - 18:57

I have created leadsheets in Band In A Box with a melody track. The melody track was inputted via a small Akai keyboard. It records as a piano patch. When I import this leadsheet file into MuseScore it brings in the proper notes and places the chords properly above the staff but it splits the melody track onto two staves. I cannot get it to import cleanly onto one staff. I have disabled the 'auto hand-set piano track' in BB and have set the clef to split at C2 in BB thinking lowering the clef break might help. Nothing seems to make a difference. Has anyone figured out a solution?


Figured it out. Under the File menu there is a Save Special and I selected MusicXML file. Then I de-selected the bass clef and kept the treble clef selected. Seemed to work great.

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