Local time signature issue

• Feb 4, 2018 - 00:39

I'm currently just copying the score of Rondo and Capriccioso just because I'm bored and I had written the whole score. I had made the mistake of putting in a B-flat clarinet instead of A. So, I went back and added an A clarinet.

In the spot where the solo violin has a local time signature of 2/4 in 6/8, it made a local signature of 2/4 for the clarinet when I added it in. I deleted the local signature and it then deleted the violin signature to of going back to 6/8.

Here's my issue. I can't put back in a 6/8 local time signature for the solo violin because it says the measure is full, even when it isn't. Now I get a weird feedback effect in playback.

If you can download the file you can take a look at measure 192 and see what's wrong.

Attachment Size
Rondo_and_Capriccioso.mscz 94.5 KB


You problems start in measure 170. Apparently adding and removing time signatures led to corruptions in several measures (you can see the list when you open the file).

Unfortunately there is no easy quick fix to the problem unless you have the file with the Bb clarinet still in it. If you have that file, you can right click the clarinet staff and change the instrument to an A clarinet. You can then select all of the notes and use the down(?) arrow key to put the notes back on the right line. You will want to double check accidentals for the clarinet after this action. If every note in the key signature is wrong use ctrl+alt+arrows to move the notes from and back to the correct lines then check for accidentals.

If you do not have the version of the score with the Bb clarinet I seems you will need to create a new solo violin staff and reenter it starting at the local time signature change. You can use copy and paste before the local time signature. If you make sure the 6/8 time signature is in measure 305, you should only need to retype from 152-304 where it seems at a quick glance the local time signature exists. Unfortunately you cannot paste into a measure with a local time signature.

This is a pain, but mistakes with local time signatures are not easily overcome in MuseScore.

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