How to hide this barline?

• Apr 12, 2018 - 17:06

As the following image shows, when I hide this barline, it also disappear at start of multiple staves.
Now I use MuseScore 2.2.The attachment is this .mscz file.
Thanks a lot!

Attachment Size
testtest.mscz 6.4 KB


In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

I'm not sure what would be expected to happen. Would you expect all starting bar lines to become invisible or only the one on the page you select? Should it make all starting barlines invisible if the first line is selected and only selected lines otherwise? Maybe @bailuer will give some input.

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

In your previous post you referenced a but report that fix items not remaining invisible. It seemed you were suggesting invisibility should survive save and reload. OP expected it so survive reload, I would expect the same thing. Only question is what would a user expect to happen when a starting barline is made invisible. All starting barlines? Only the selected starting barline?

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

OK... but check this out...

  1. Open the attached file "testtest_2.mscz" - which I posted above.
    (In Windows 10, I see that the barline is present at the start of the single staff. Do you?)

  2. Next, do something like open and immediately cancel Style -> General (without actually changing anything)
    Change something in the score like adding an articulation, dynamic, change a note's pitch....

Only now the barline at the start of the single staff disappears.


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