Private scores, Groups and Search on the app

• Apr 19, 2018 - 08:28

Dear Musescore,

Members of my choirs are not finding all the groups scores in Discover on their Songbook apps.

When I create new scores, I make the scores private and then add them to the specific Choir group. I always prefix the title with the name of the choir, either "MonMVC|Title..." for the Monmouth Male Voice Choir, or "DandDmvc| Title..." for the Drybrook and District Male Voice Choir.

I teach choir members to find the new scores by typing either "MonMVC", or "DandDmvc" into the Discover search section of their Songook app. As the prefixes are unique, this has previously returned all the scores in the group.

I have now seen, for three different group members, in the two groups mentioned that the list returned by the search is not a complete list of all the songs in that group - so not a complete list of all the songs starting with the specified prefix. Changing the search to the specific title of the missing piece, for example, "MonMVC|The Book of Love", returns a null result from the search.

With the MonMVC group, they are not seeing the most recent scores. With a new member of the DandDmvc group, his search was returning just two "DandDmvc| Title..." items from the search.

However, if they log in via the website, they can see all the scores in the group.

Thanks in advance for any help.

Kind regards,
Pete Alan
OS: Ubuntu 14.04.5 LTS, Arch.: x86_64, MuseScore version (64-bit): 2.2.1, revision: 51b8386


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