getting more systems on the page

• Feb 6, 2014 - 06:03

Hi, I realized once I printed out my score that it is very inefficient in space use, there is simply too much space between each stave (and the lyrics and stave too). So as I started to mess around with the formatting it just got all crazy like crunching (like I wanted) the staves/systems (same, because I just have once part), but not inserting new ones, and thereby leaving huge amounts of space in the bottom.
So could you give me some pointers on how I could get 11 or so systems onto one page without changing the size of either the lyrics or the stave/system?
Also while I'm at it I might as well ask, how do (or can I) hide the system numbering?

Attachment Size
_псалом bg.mscz 13.15 KB


You can't change the math of it. To fit more systems per page, you need either smaller staves, less space between systems, a bigger page, or smaller margins.

staff size - layout / page settings / space (literally size of space between staff lines)

space between systems - style / edit general style / page / system distance (but see also page fill threshold)

page & margin size - layout / page settings, also style / edit general style / page / music upper & lower margin

Fitting 11 lines of music with lyrics on a sheet or letter-sized paper is going to require compromises - again, there is no getting around the math of it.

There is no *system* numbering per se - you are probably referring the *measure* numbering, which happens to default to being at the start of every system. It looks like system numbering in your score because you also happen to have one measure per system. Anyhow, you can control measure numbering via Style / Edit General Style / Numbers.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Well I did that already, and I manage to get the staves/systems the right size and the spacing is nice and tight like I want it, so logically I go next to the page full threshold, (to fill up the page presumably) and it doesn't nothing of the sort. If I mess with the page fill threshold it either messes up my system spacing or does nothing.

Attachment Size
_псалом bg2.mscz 13.25 KB

In reply to by sr ryse

The page fill threshold doesn't change how many systems fit on a page. It only affects how tightly they are spaced on the page. If your page is less full than the threshold, then your systems will be exactly as far apart as your system distance. If your page is more full than the threshold, then your systems will have extra space added to fill the page.

However, you have set an impossible low system distance -40sp. That makes no sense. Taken literally, it would mean the systems would run *backwards* - system 2 would be 40sp *above* system 1, etc. MuseScore refuses to honor that, so instead, you get an effective system distance of 0. Meaning, your systems touch each other (well, extra space is allocated for the lyrics).

Meanwhile, you've set the page fill threshold to 10%, which *should* result in all your pages being filled out. And I think it is. However, that crazy negative system distance you have set is apparently confusing MuseScore into trying to leave an extra 40sp at the bottom of the page.

Since negative values for system distance make no sense, changing that to anything sensible - even 0 - will allow MuseScore to fill your page more normally. You have set very different bottom page margins for even and odd pages in layout / page settings, that's why the fills look different from page to page if you do change the system distance to 0 or any other sensible value.

In reply to by sr ryse

PArt of your problem, Peter is the unmetrical nature of your music. In many places the number of syllables you are trying to cram on to a single line, is just too many for MuseScore to fit onto a line, resulting in the overspill in several places.

A lot of my work is with Western Plainchant, so I can appreciate your problem :)

If it would be helpful to have a look at the way I have solved some of the problems, take a llok here:

I tend to use a NIghtly build for working unmetrically, as there are tools in that for splitting and joining measure which makes the process a little less fiddly, in that you are not having to count beats all the time. I then export in MusicXML and load into 1.3 for final tweaking and layout.

In Western plainchant it is slightly easier as barlines coincide with punctuation, meaning it is rare to have to cram as much on a line as you are doing.

I'm not very familiar with Russian Orthodox Chant - which I am assuming this is :)

One thing that might help you is to use a 2nd lyric line for some of the words to the reciting notes.

I'm having a go at tidying up your score using the principles I use for producing Western Plainchant - will attach here when I've done.

For doing this I am making the assumption that the rubric Пр‰ ликъ equates to Cantor?


In reply to by Marc Sabatella

I found without your EXPERTIZE OPPINION HOW ADD lines.
2 ways.
1-on existing lines click "I" on computer keyboard. And ADD piano lines left or right hand or both.
2 On existing staff (lines) select one tact (mesure) and with mouse left click on selected area and then in meny
appeared select "SPLIT STAFF" And you can get opn line more or two. As you wish.

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