Bar Numbering

• May 11, 2018 - 15:22

I'm new to MuseScore and when i need help I look for tutorials, mainly on YouTube BUT, all these videos are from MuseScore older versions and almost all tips in these tutorials are hard to apply to the newest version, so I'll be asking you guys for help whenever I need...if you don't mind.
- How to add number to "every bar" in a score?


Use Style->General->Headers, Footers, numbers and make the appropriate selections in the bottom section. For example, change numbering to every 1 measure.

In reply to by FloripaGuitar

A native English speaker understands with no problem and it is very concise. There is only one word rather than several words to say the same thing. For a comparison, the Spanish version does the same thing. I'm not familiar with what other languages do. I'm curious if you use the English version all the time or if you use another language normally. Which language would you prefer to use?

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