Expanding chords without to use the expand function

• May 23, 2018 - 03:07

Hi, gang!!!

There is a very known MuseScore capability about to "split" (expand) the individual notes of chords to get more than one new staves.

But... There are times when we need to do something... let's say "slightly" different.

I'm talking about to select, let's say, only the highest notes of some chords to copy them (or cut them) and put them into another staff (or instrument).

Up to my knowledge, if that notes are into single voice chords, we just can to select this note by note (with the control key) today. And... Not always we can to paste all of them into another staff.

To that cases, I propose a new function which to let us to select ONLY the highest, the central and the lowest notes of some single voice chords with all the copy-paste possibilities.

I hope to have expressed my idea with the right words.

Blessings & Greetings from Chile!!!!!!!



You proposal is very understandable and you are not the first to propose such a feature. Perhaps one day someone who programs with you will agree and add this to the to the select>more... dialog that you get when you right click a note.

I have actually made this feature by adding enough staves to explode (you said expand) the chords, copy the staff I want, undo (this will undo the explode) and I have the notes on the clipboard ready to paste.

In reply to by mike320

If someone would implement select > more > all notes in the same position in chord, it would not solve the problem directly because only the notes would be selected and not a range. However, it could be used to delete (twice) the bottom notes after a copy paste...

In reply to by [DELETED] 5

I didn't think about that. Only chords can be copied in a range, not individual notes. I think it would be possible to do a copy of a single note on a beat in a manner similar to copying items like lyrics and chord names. The code would probably end up looking very different than the current copy and paste a range of notes. The tool would also need to insert rests in the "empty" spaces.

In reply to by [DELETED] 5

For this and other reasons, I have my doubts about the utility of such a function although of course it would probably be pretty easy to add.

To actually solve the problem, though, the way to do it currently would be to add temporary scratch staves if necessary, explode normally, then copy and paste the appropriate staff back to the original location. I could also imagine adding a dialog to the Explode function to allow more control here.

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