Making Acciacciaturi Appear After a Note Head
A glissando lasts the length of the note from which it emerges. I would like to indicate the end point of a glissando using an acciacciatura. It seems only possible in MuseScore to add accacciaturas before noteads. Is there a way round this?
There are also grace notes after in the grace notes palette. No playback for those though
In reply to There are also grace notes… by Jojo-Schmitz
I managed to find a workaround for this basic glissando notation.
MuseScore will not draw a properly-pitched acciacciatura to the end of a bar. Instead, I had to use a generic acciacciatura sign from the Symbol palette and place it at the end of the bar.
MuseScore will not link gliss lines to acciacciaturi. Instead, it looks for the next note of longer duration (see above). I used gliss to the next longer note, and then dragged the right hand side of the gliss line back to the acciacciatura.
The workaround does not get past the problem of notating pitched acciacciaturi at the end of a bar. At the moment one of my bars looks like this, which is confusing for players as they've no way of telling whicvh pitch they are glissandoing to. :(
In reply to I managed to find a… by Film Composer
As mentioned in the issue filed, the real solution is to not use an acciaccaura but a "grace note after". This does exactly what you want, no workaround required.
In reply to As mentioned in the issue… by Marc Sabatella
Appoggiaturi (grace notes) have longer duration than 'crushed' notes, in theory the gliss. could be too short. It would still be good to have an 'acciacciatura after' included in the palette. Your solution works and I'm going to use it. Thank you Marc.