Please tell me how to enter this measure

• Jul 14, 2018 - 13:19

(Google translate)
Can someone help and show how in musescore to introduce the second part…


The top staff is really just a normal triplet, entered using the same basic approach as other tuplets (see below). it's possible you are being thrown by the dotted rhythm within the tuplet, but that doesn't actually change anything. First create the triplet normally (select quarter note duration, press Ctrl+3) then enter the notes normally (enter an eighth a dotted eighth, and a sixteenth).

Click below for my Quick Answer on how to enter tuplets:

Enter Tuplets
Enter Tuplets

I can create a triplet. But in this notes do not fit in duration. Can I somehow turn off the duration check in tact?
The third note in the triad (sixteenth) does not fit into the duration

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