MDL doesn't allow to write in voices!

• Aug 2, 2018 - 09:38
Reported version
S5 - Suggestion

I can't write in layers with MDL percussion. Anybody could?



Severity S2 - Critical S5 - Suggestion
Status (old) active needs info
Status active needs info
Type Plugins Functional
Reported version 2.1 2.3

What do you mean by "Layers"?

Probably "voices" - Finale uses the term "layers" for what is essentially the same thing.

But, I don't see any issue with voices using MDL. The default MDL drumset definitions use voice 1 pretty much exclusively, but you can still override this and use multiple voices if you prefer as described in the Handbook under "Drum notation". And nothing about MDL interferes with the standard (non-MDL) drumset definitions, so non-MDL instruments that use multiple voices (eg, the "Drumset" instrument itself) continue to work as they always have.

If you continue to have problems, please attach the score you are having trouble with and describe the issue in more detail. And in the future, please use the Support forum when asking for helping in using MuseScore.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Hello Marc.

Thanks for your answer. I've never written here and I didn't know where to do it. Sorry for that.

I'm using a MDL Tenor Line. And I couldn't write two voices/layers inside the same staff and at the same time (for example, a hand makes a rythm and the other hand makes another rythm with another kind of stroke - and they sound together, not one after the other). I've tried to assign that other timbre to another voice (editing percussion set). It works (it changes its colour), but continues overriding anything in the other voice.

There's no way in using MDL and doing more than one rythm in separate voices at the same time?

Thanks for your attention.