having difficulty in composing a bar

• Aug 14, 2018 - 14:39

Hello anyone, I'm having a bit of difficulty in writing a 2 beat rest, 1 eighth rest and three tied eighth notes in a bar. I am not sure how you call this bar, but I learnt it as cut time. The C with the vertical line through it. It just does not come out the way I want it. Is it because I'm using Voice 1? Can anyone help? Thanks.


In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

Thanks Jojo, I meant tie. I just started using the program on Sunday evening and I think I'm catching up quite nicely, however I've been mostly using mouse note entries. Let me start using computer keyboard entries to find out if there is some difference in particular. Thanks again.

Even though a half rest lasts only one beat in cut time, you still enter it as a half rest.

To enter this
cut time measure.png
6040A+++ (A is the note and + ties each one to the previous one).

You may mean a slur rather than tie and you would type

6040AsBCs (A,B and C are the notes. The first s turn on the slurs, the second one turns it off).

In reply to by mike320

Thanks Mike320, I meant tie. I just started using the program on Sunday evening and I think I'm catching up quite nicely, however I've been mostly using mouse note entries. Let me start using computer keyboard entries to find out if there is some difference in particular. Thanks again.

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

You have left me speechless. I just don't know what to say without sounding very rude, which I have no desire to do. Most people learn from repetition if they want to. I had never seen an alto or tenor clef before MuseScore so I started by using the mouse until I figured out the notes and transitioned to the keyboard like I do on the treble and bass clefs.

In reply to by mike320

Notenames don't mean much to me, I recognize some, like middle C, also I know where D is in bass and treble clef, but haven't put any effort into learning the rest, so your "if they want to" seems to match ;-)
I can of course check their names, using the status bar or the notenames plugin.

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

Hi Guys, sorry for the late response. I am getting the feel of MuseScore thanks to the very useful help of users like you. I'm also figuring out commands as I go by. I have 2 questions however. The last stave on my page is empty, how do I delete the key and time signatures so It doesn't show up on the printed score? Also, I put in the bpm later after I started writing a score, now the song only recognizes the bpm from this point. How do I correct that? Thanks again.

In reply to by SOKALYPSO

You asked "The last stave on my page is empty, how do I delete the key and time signatures so It doesn't show up", which doesn't make sense. Why would you only need to only delete the key and time signatures? If you want the entire staff empty, you can use Style->General... hide empty staves. Keep in mind this will hide ALL empty staves not in the first system. The option below this will also hide empty staves in the first system.

For some reason, the tempo marks cause problems. If they don't work correctly, I would suggest you delete all of them and enter again from the first to the last in that order only. I've never noticed issues when I do this.

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