Why is "cancel" on the left side of the choices in New Document?
In general in most programs including MS, the cancel button is on the right.
However if one opens a new document, the cancel button is on the left.
I believe it should follow the general format.
First posted here: https://musescore.org/en/node/275271
In reply to (No subject) by Jojo-Schmitz
PR made for 3.0-dev (that is if this change is really wanted): https://github.com/musescore/MuseScore/pull/3867
We'd need to check all dialogs for this inconsistency, in the forum topic that lead to this issue is at least one more mentioned
In reply to We'd need to check all… by Jojo-Schmitz
Yes, this is a consistency/UX issue. If you go by platform guidelines, as listed here, it seems that it differs based on platforms.
It can be reduced to:
MuseScore seems to stick to Windows guidelines:
It seems that MuseScore uses Windows guidelines for its dialogues (on Linux at least). I can't test Apple unfortunately, but I would expect button order to remain the same.
Fixed in branch master, commit f6a145eaf7
fix #275275: Move cancel button on new document to right for consistency
Fixed in branch master, commit cb982cd31b
Merge pull request #3867 from jthistle/275275-cancel-on-wrong-side-of-new-document
fix #275275: Move cancel button on new document to right for consistency
One of the small advantages of the decision to drop MuseScore's own theme in favor of Qt's built-in one is that it automatically orders the buttons according to the individual platform guidelines. So this is not that simple. I gather this is not what you see on Windows.
In reply to Um… by Isaac Weiss
Ah. You're right, that's not what happens on Windows/Linux. Although I'm now wondering why there was, before the fix, an override for the default button ordering, to put the cancel button on the left of the others :/
How about just removing that one line that you modified? So the default gets used everywhere?
In reply to How about just removing that… by Jojo-Schmitz
This makes sense to me.
Consistency is what is important to me.
Thanks for responding to this.
Good point, not sure why I didn't do that in the first place
Hmm, not sure that'd work, as per the documentation at http://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qwizard.html:
QWizard::CancelButtonOnLeft: Put the Cancel button on the left of Back (rather than on the right of Finish or Next).
So nothing like different defaults for different platforms.
Guess we need so special case Mac then.
Tell you what, I'll do some experimenting and try to come up with a solution :)
Issac Weiss, can you test one small thing for me if you have a moment please? Comment out line 456 of mscore/newwizard.cpp. Compile, install and run, and can you tell me how the cancel button is positioned in the new document window? Thanks.
(accidently changed status)
I'm currently unable to compile—running into all kinds of errors with the webview of the Start Center. Something about my build environment is clearly off, but I can't diagnose it.
On Mac, removing the line has the same effect as setting the option to "false", which is to put the "Cancel" button to the right of "Finish". What is the current problem that requires a solution? Obviously, we can do
which will move the "Cancel" button to the left of "Back" on Mac only, overriding the system default. What exactly are we trying to accomplish?
In reply to On Mac, removing the line… by mattmcclinch
One consistent look on each operating system.
I'm not certain they have to be the same across all platforms (I only use windows) but they should be consistent in that operating system..
I had to set 3 environment variables and then run make -f Makefile.osx xcode. The 3 environment variables are:
Obviously, the paths will be different on your system.
I don't have the equivalent directories in my Qt 5.9.3 folder. Do I need Qt 5.10?
Qt 5.10 should not be necessary. Care to join me on IRC?
In reply to Qt 5.10 should not be… by mattmcclinch
As Xavier said, a consistent order is the aim. I'll implement your solution.
Fixed the fix: https://github.com/musescore/MuseScore/pull/3871
Indeed, that PR is the right way to go. As mattmcclinch reported, not having that line on macOS means the button comes out on the right.
Fixed in branch master, commit d3d73f31cd
Fix #275275: fix previous bugfix
Fixed in branch master, commit 652a5b3dc2
Merge pull request #3871 from jthistle/275275-cancel-on-wrong-side-of-new-document
Fix #275275: fix previous bugfix
Automatically closed -- issue fixed for 2 weeks with no activity.