Errant Rest

• Sep 11, 2018 - 18:13

I am having an issue with rests. I can complete a measure with all the proper notes, move notes around to get my rest in the right place and all is fine UNTIL, I start to add my lyrics. Then, my 8th rest moves in between my final two 16th notes. Nothing I do will correct it. If I delete the words "We have", the rest goes back into the proper place. I have tried forcing a break to where there fewer measures on the line, same result .. Another weird thing is that I can drag the rest to the end of the measure, but no farther to the left. The error is there when you print the score as well. HELP

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My suspicion is that your problems started when you tried to "move notes around to get my rest in the right place". Moving notes should never be necessary for this purpose. My guess is you had notes and/or rests entered onto the worng beats, and then rather than correct the rrror by putting them on the proper beats, you tried working around it by dragging things visually to make them appear in a different order, but that won't work; the adjustments won't survive changes to layout, nor will playback be correct.

If you attach your actual score we can understand and advise better.

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