Tremolo trouble

• Oct 3, 2018 - 01:52

I cannot get the bottom voice to tremolo. I refer to the violin D, lower (on G string)which is entered as voice 2. PDF below.

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-tremolo trouble.pdf 17.16 KB


Use the selection filter (press F6) and select the measures you want, then remove the check from voice 1. You will then have only voice 2 notes selected and you can apply the tremolos to them. Remember to check all prior to closing the filter selector.

In reply to by mike320

It did not work, initially...

I unchecked voice 1 and proceeded. All double clicking tremolo did was adjust the voice 1 tremolo down a hair. I then tried unchecking ALL except 2 and the same happened.

How I got it to work was to select one of the double d's and adjust it down a hair with the inspector, exposing the one underneath which was green (voice 2) , then click it and apply the tremolo, then readjust the other voice.

It's okay now.

In reply to by mike320

Strange? Who... me?

I've copied and pasted the violin part and set the mixer for violin. If you think it makes a difference, I'll send it with the other 5 instruments as well.

BTW- this tremolo passage sounds all too mechanical. Does not sound like a violin, but I will say in most other type passages, especially legato, the font is pretty good. (It looses its quality when blended.)

Attachment Size
sample.mscz 6.56 KB

In reply to by penne vodka

Where are you seeing a problem? The measures where you have multiple voices are showing tremolo just fine. If I deletem them all (eg, right click one, Select / All Similar Elements) then add them back (eg, select the whole region, double click the tremolo icon on palette) everything continues to work perfectly. You don't even need the selection filter - this one operation adds to both voice simultaneously. I guess maybe if you were trying to add the tremolo one note at a time, but why do that? And even if you did do that - so you end up painstakingly adding tremolo in voice 1 only, and now need to do it voice 2 - just use the same approach we said: select the whole region, turn off voice 1 in the filter, double-click the tremolo icon. Actually, you don't even need the filter even then - it works just fine to add the tremolo this way without the filter. That is, even if voice 1 already has tremolo, it's harmless to add it again when you select the whole region.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

I realize this. Please note that during my process of discovery I added tremolo one at a time just before I learned the easier way.
As for what had happened my initial attempt, I simply do not recall. When I tried with turning off voice 1 in the filter (as per Mike), it failed until I tweaked the voices (explained above). I hope to remember all this for future reference.

Thanks to you and Mike and others I'm slowly getting a handle on all this.

If there is a person within the entire domain of MuseScore who read that handbook through once a came out with total recall I'll write an opera in his/her honor: Der Kluge von Musescore!

I always appreciate your assistance.

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