shortcuts for note input mode switching

• Oct 29, 2018 - 08:25

So far, only the shortcut Step-Time (default) -> Re-Pitch exits. (default is Ctrl+Shift+I).
I very much miss the shortcut for going back i.e. Re-Pitch -> Step-Time. It's a little bit annoying to use the mouse for this.
Please, could you implement at least this shortcut?
It could be just toggling with the same key combination, or maybe a possibility to set the shortcut in preferences.


It is possible to set these shortcuts (though not as a toggle). In English the names of the input methods are descriptions rather than the names in the input methods. For example "Rhythm" is called "Enter durations with a single click or keypress." It has a picture of the icon you would see when you select that input method at the start of it.

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