how it's made every Measure /Bar has the same length in musescore notation??
how it's made every Measure /Bar has the same length in musescore notation??
how it's made every Measure /Bar has the same length in musescore notation??
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sometimes bars are stretched
In reply to sometimes bars are stretched by peterdi
how it's made every Measure /Bar has the same length in musescore notation??
In reply to how it's made every Measure … by peterdi
simple: this is not possible (other than tweaking everry measure's stretch), the corresponding option had been removed for 2.x as it was causing more issues that it solved
It's not normally considered correct for all measures to have the same physical width, if that's what you mean - measures with more notes are supposed to be wider. But use you can use the "{" and "}" commands (Layout / Stretch) to decrease or increase sizes of measures if you really want.