How do I turn off auto scale on my scores
I have just up graded to MuseScore 3 and all my scores are now auto scaling.
This makes it hard to read the score after it has been printed. The parts need to line up from page to page or it is unreadable.
the scores lined up in v2
Welcome. Can you attach here a score you are having problems with?
In reply to Welcome. Can you attach here… by Shoichi
All my scores that I have made with v2 are doing it.
I can't post my scores here they are all copyrighted to me and don't want them going public.
I have had to rollback to v2. v3 is a down grade and useless if it keeps moving the parts in the scores.
The parts in a score is meant to be in line on every page not in different places on each page.
Im going to have to find another scoring package if they don't fix this.
In reply to All my scores that I have… by Keven Anderson
It sounds like Format->Style->Hide empty staves is checked in version 3. If not, look at the staff properties on each staff and make sure the dropdown next to Hide when empty is set to Auto or Never. Auto will follow Hide Empty staves and Never will never hide the empty staves as it seems you want.
In reply to All my scores that I have… by Keven Anderson
Well, if you are uncomfortable sharing your music, just delete all but a few measures. But we can't investigate without seeing a score. In general, there is no such thing as "autoscale"; there is "autoplace' but that wouldn't do what you're describing. Sounds like you've probably set a bad staff space value.
In reply to All my scores that I have… by Keven Anderson
You can have 3.x and 2.x installed at the same time,on the same computer and even running at the same time, no need at all to rollback.