Musescore 3 Diver Failure

• Jan 4, 2019 - 20:44

Musescore 3 installs on windows 10 computer. When launching for the first time, it tries to automatically install yamaha usb driver. The drivers are already setup and installed for other software. When trying to install the driver, a regopenkeyex error shows.

Attachment Size
museerror.PNG 180.65 KB


Ciao sarahleejs, welcome.
I'm not a technician, so consider the following with the benefit of the doubt: Uninstall the drivers and then install MuseScore, or update the drivers and try again.

Well this seems to a fatal problem with how Musescore is looking up devices on the system. After uninstalling and disconnecting all drivers, the problem persists. Musescore isn't actually installing the driver on initial install, it installs it when loading musescore for the first time. It may be checking for device compatibility or existing software, i'm not sure, but this shouldnt be happening when launching a program, it should only happen in preferences or handled by the user.

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