Guitar Chord Diagrams

• Jan 10, 2019 - 19:20

Just started with Musescore. I cannot seem to populate the measures with guitar chord diagrams. Here's my sequence.
1. Open new Score
2. Click on rest symbol.
3. Open Master Palette.
4. Open fretboard diagrams.
1. When I open the fretboard diagrams palette, a half dozen or so chord diagrams appear but they do not conform to the chord name I have inputted above the staff lines.
2. None of the diagrams drag and drop to the staff.

1. Basically, what am I doing wrong?
2. Specifically, can someone kindly give me the proper steps to add fretboard diagrams to a score?




In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

Thanks Jojo and mike. I can now populate the measures with diagrams by clicking on a rest or note...then selecting Master Palette...then Fretboard diagrams.
At that point, several diagrams appear to the right but they seem random. If I double click one it appears above the measure. But how do I get to a "library" of chords so that I can select the specific chord I want to use?


In reply to by av84fun

You have to create the library yourself using the custom workspace Jojo pointed you to. There are so many instruments with so many tunings it would be quite the project to create an exhaustive library.

In the Advanced workspace there is a palette with a few sample Fretboard diagrams.

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