Trumpet in D
I'm transposing a score that calls for a trombe or trumpet in D. The key signature has no sharps or flats which for the score, requiem in d minor, an f trumpet works for this. However, for the score the notes the trumpet plays only work for a d trumpet, which has two sharps in the key. I was wondering if a trumpet in d minor exists on musescore.
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It's normal for trumpet (and horn) parts in classical scores to have the key signature suppressed. You need to make sure you select the D trumpet if that's what the score calls for, then open the advanced palettes if they're not already open. In the key signature palette you will see a key signature that consists of a gray X. Press ctrl+drag the key signature to the start of the staff and the key signature will disappear. You will need to repeat this at all key changes.
In reply to It's normal for trumpet (and… by mike320
Thanks a lot.
In reply to Thanks a lot. by [DELETED] 28281441
Real fast, that changes all of the instruments to no key signature but I want just the D trumpet to have no key signature.
In reply to Real fast, that changes all… by [DELETED] 28281441
Never mind, Musescore 3 fixed the issue when I transferred the score from Musescore 2.
Thanks again.
In reply to Never mind, Musescore 3… by [DELETED] 28281441
An automatic fix doesn't make sense. To change the key signature for one instrument you need to press ctrl while you drag it to the instrument you want to have the new key signature. The measure it's being applied to will turn red. Both MuseScore 2 & MuseScore 3 work this way and MuseScore 3 will not change the key signature of a score created in MuseScore 2.
In reply to An automatic fix doesn't… by mike320
The score on musescore 2 had 3 flats in the trumpet but when I transferred the score to musescore 3 the key signature on just that instrument was blank
In reply to The score on musescore 2 had… by [DELETED] 28281441
If you entered the local blank key signature in the version 2 score I would expect it to be in the version 3 score also. If the flats magically disappeared in version 3 then I would be suspicious of a bug of some sort. It sounds like the instrument was changed to a C trumpet. What's the transposition in the staff/parts property for the trumpet.
In reply to If you entered the local… by mike320
It's a major second up.
In reply to It's a major second up. by [DELETED] 28281441
And the key signature existed in the version 2 score? If so, could you attach the version 2 score so I can see what happens?
In reply to It's a major second up. by [DELETED] 28281441
Here it is.
In reply to Here it is. by [DELETED] 28281441
I opened that in version 3.0.1 and took a picture.
I see 3 flats in the key signature as expected.
In reply to I opened that in version 3.0… by mike320
I don't know what happened then. I only clicked reset the position of elements as directed when I opened the score in 3.0.1.
In reply to I don't know what happened… by [DELETED] 28281441
I didn't think about it, but the file you sent me was saved using version 3, not version 2. Did you overwrite the version 2 score or can I look at that also.
In reply to I didn't think about it, but… by mike320
The version I sent you was directly from the previous version 2 folder. I didn't overwrite it manually if thats what you mean. I can attaching the file again .
In reply to The version I sent you was… by [DELETED] 28281441
Now it all makes sense. The Requiem in D minor is a version 2 score. In that score you entered a local key signature of D major to the trumpet. You can see this if you press the concert pitch button.
The score called "Requiem.mscz" is a version 3 score. The version 3 score does not have a local time signature applied so you see the flats.
When you open a version 2 score in version 3 it will ask if you want to reset the position of all elements. This doesn't happen if you open a version 3 score.
In reply to Now it all makes sense. The… by mike320
That makes so much sense. Thanks a lot.