One measure start on SATB score
I am a layman whose musical training consists of singing in a mixed chorus for many years, that's all. I have learned to transcribe old musical scores into Musescore. I use Windows 10 and just downloaded and installed the latest version of Musescore 3.
Here is a problem that I can't solve: 4 part score with two voices on each stave; the first measure is one beat of the same note in a 3/4 score. I enter voice 1, then backspace to the first note and enter voice 2. When I try to playback voice 1, Musescore arbitrarily defaults to start with voice 2. If I click on voice 1 it replaces the first note with a rest instead of playing the first note of voice 1. Oddly enough, if I click on the second note (instead the first) and move back to the first note playback starts from the the beginning. I am baffled, what am I doing wrong?
Attachment | Size |
.Fruehlingsgruß.mscz, | 13.78 KB |
You attached the backup score. It sounds like you are using a midi keyboard and this is a known issue that should be fixed in the next release in February.
In reply to You attached the backup… by mike320
My apologies, should have picked the real score sheet. I have note put in lyrics; I input with a laptop qwerty keyboard. see score attached
In reply to My apologies, should have… by Washington Sae…
You made me think!
When you select the first note, it's selecting the note in voice 2. This issue has been discussed and we hope will be fixed at some point, so you can select the item in a different voice or even in the same voice, than what MuseScore wants to let you.
When you select a note and press a voice button, it changes the note to that voice and replaces the existing note with a rest.
For playback, it doesn't matter which note you select, all notes on that beat are played back unless you have used either mute or solo in the mixer.
Finally, it's a common error to post a backup rather than a regular file. The problem is that backups can't be downloaded from here.
In reply to You made me think! When you… by mike320
Thank you mike320. I am new to this forum and really appreciate the quick response. Now I know what is happening - sounds like a software issue.
Thanks again,
In reply to Thank you mike320. I am new… by Washington Sae…
It's actually not a bug but rather by design. It is at times useful to enter the notes in one instrument, copy it to another and put it in another voice, like if Clarinet 2 is doubling the Bassoon or something and both clarinets are written on the same staff.