Prevent add space in words inserting
I need to copy a lot of words from a lyrics sheet into my sheet in MuseScore and when copying text from clipboard to MuseScore word fields it just paste the text until the first space (because I know entering a space in MuseScore means to move to next word in the next beat).
Is there a way to prevent it? E.g. to change the behaviour of moving to next beat when pressing space?
Thanks a lot!
I'm not quite sure what you'd want instead - the entire line of lyrics to be pasted onto a single note? If so, you can use non-breaking spaces (Ctrl+Space). If that's not what you mean, maybe attach a score and descirbe what you are trying to do in more detail.
In reply to I'm not quite sure what you… by Marc Sabatella
Yes, "the entire line of lyrics to be pasted onto a single note?" but pasted not from another note but from an external file (txt), so I copy the text (that contains spaces) and paste it to MuseScore into the line below the note and instead of pasting the whole text it just pastes the first word and then moves to next note lyric field.
I would like to prevent that!
In reply to Yes, "the entire line of… by Poludio12
I start by saying that I don't think I understand, but...
F8 (Inspector) set as 'Lyrics'
In reply to Yes, "the entire line of… by Poludio12
If you do indeed want an entire line of text on a single note, consider whether this is truly a lyric or not. if it's just plain text not meant to be sung, don't use lyrics - use staff text (Ctrl+T). If it's meant to sung, then of course normally it would be one syllable per note, which is why MuseScore works that way (Ctrl+V pastes one syllable at a time onto one note at a time, so just keep pressing it repeatedly to create standard notation). If you are deliberately creating non-standard notation - say, for a chant where you have a whole series of lyrics over a reciting tone - then as I said, it is best to use non-breaking spaces in your text (in the external file).