Poor printing quality Epson WF-7715
Because my second HP7612 also failed to work after 2 years, as did my first HP7612, I purchased an
Epson WF-7715DWF and got the printer yesterday.
After installing it on my linux computer with o.s. PCLinuxOS, I first printed a score made by MuseScore 2.
To my very unpleasant surprise the quality of the print was poor. Looking at the beamed 16th notes there
was a noticeable zagging and the distance between the two beams "hairy". The HP printer performed
way better in this.
Are there users here who use als Epson as a printer for their scores?
Yes here. I have Epson Stylus DX4000. I use MS 3.0.2. and the crescendo/decrescendo lines
appear zaggy, too.
Maybe i have to use higher print resolution?
In reply to Yes here. I have Epson… by [DELETED] 1307581
After having set the various print possibilities on that printer there is no visible improvement.
Wish I had my HP printer working again.
What surprised me is that I got only one response of a member whose Epson printer show that same
zagging. Are we the only Epson printer users printing MuseScore made scores?
Because I am also facing great problems getting the scanner function working (struggling this whole week getting this done without success), I am on the edge to return that printer and see which other printer brands are there giving better MuseScore printing results.
In reply to After having set the various… by JoeAlders
If you export a score as a pdf, then view and print that pdf, do you get better quality printer output?
In reply to If you export a score as a… by Jm6stringer
Yes, I also did that but with the same result: hairy and zagged beamed notes.
In reply to Yes, I also did that but… by JoeAlders
Do you see hairy and zagged beamed notes in the pdf, too?
In reply to Do you see hairy and zagged… by Jm6stringer
Yes, I did.
But I may have found the cause of the problem : I cannot adjust the printing resolution!
When I select the printer and enter the Properties there is only one printing resolution:
300x300 dpi which is a very low resolution. Clicking on the drop down arrow no other possibility is there.
I am trying to find out what is causing this. Perhaps the (small) test cartridges which were sent with the printer?
According to the specification of the printer I can print up to 4800x2400 dpi.
In reply to Yes, I did. But I may have… by JoeAlders
By zagging, do you mean something like this?
If so, see:
In MuseScore, go to Edit -> Preferences... then on the Canvas tab see if toggling 'Draw antialiased' produces a better output.
In reply to By zagging, do you mean… by Jm6stringer
Yes, the correct English expression is "jagging" in stead of "zagging". Slanting lines look like a staircase.
Something I did NOT have when my HP7612 printer was functioning.
And I always have 'Draw antialiased' ticked but perhaps I have to experiment with that 'Proximity for selected elements' ? Now on 6 px.
In reply to Yes, I did. But I may have… by JoeAlders
300dpi and 600dpi are good resolutions for printing.
150dpi: Newspaper quality / draft printing; needs (minimum) low quality and normal paper and above (for grayscale and black-white printouts).
300dpi: for normal / office printing; needs normal photocopy paper (for grayscale print). * (I use this resolution to save ink / toner in my printouts. No jagged lines, very smooth...)
600dpi: for HQ printing (presentations/work/books); needs quality printing paper (for grayscale and color).
1200dpi: professional printing; needs high quality printing paper (for color and maybe grayscale print).
2400dpi and up: custom (art/photography) professional printing; needs special printing papers (for color print).
In reply to 300dpi and 600dpi (dots per… by Ziya Mete Demircan
I do not know which printer brand you are using for printing scores made with MuseScore and at which resolution but the Epson which I am now using specify that printing up to 4800x4400 dpi is possible and I cannot adjust even to 600x600 dpi ! See the Epson spec in the attachment.
Moreover if I compare the Epson with my old HP printed scores (no jagged lines, absolutely sharp lines), for me the Epson WF-7715 produces an unacceptable result.
In reply to I do not know which printer… by JoeAlders
I use X e r o x - 3120 monochrome laser (old and cheap device; not sold anymore) // a brand new 3260: approx. 150$
I use 600*600dpi in toner save mode usually (means: half or 2/3 resolution [approx.] ).
I attached 600dpi normal mode print sample (taken from my cellphone; I took it in daylight without using flash (full cloudy weather).)