Poor printing quality Epson WF-7715

• Feb 6, 2019 - 13:49

Because my second HP7612 also failed to work after 2 years, as did my first HP7612, I purchased an
Epson WF-7715DWF and got the printer yesterday.
After installing it on my linux computer with o.s. PCLinuxOS, I first printed a score made by MuseScore 2.
To my very unpleasant surprise the quality of the print was poor. Looking at the beamed 16th notes there
was a noticeable zagging and the distance between the two beams "hairy". The HP printer performed
way better in this.
Are there users here who use als Epson as a printer for their scores?


In reply to by [DELETED] 1307581

After having set the various print possibilities on that printer there is no visible improvement.
Wish I had my HP printer working again.
What surprised me is that I got only one response of a member whose Epson printer show that same
zagging. Are we the only Epson printer users printing MuseScore made scores?
Because I am also facing great problems getting the scanner function working (struggling this whole week getting this done without success), I am on the edge to return that printer and see which other printer brands are there giving better MuseScore printing results.

In reply to by Jm6stringer

Yes, I did.
But I may have found the cause of the problem : I cannot adjust the printing resolution!
When I select the printer and enter the Properties there is only one printing resolution:
300x300 dpi which is a very low resolution. Clicking on the drop down arrow no other possibility is there.
I am trying to find out what is causing this. Perhaps the (small) test cartridges which were sent with the printer?
According to the specification of the printer I can print up to 4800x2400 dpi.

In reply to by Jm6stringer

Yes, the correct English expression is "jagging" in stead of "zagging". Slanting lines look like a staircase.
Something I did NOT have when my HP7612 printer was functioning.
And I always have 'Draw antialiased' ticked but perhaps I have to experiment with that 'Proximity for selected elements' ? Now on 6 px.

In reply to by JoeAlders

300dpi and 600dpi are good resolutions for printing.

150dpi: Newspaper quality / draft printing; needs (minimum) low quality and normal paper and above (for grayscale and black-white printouts).
300dpi: for normal / office printing; needs normal photocopy paper (for grayscale print). * (I use this resolution to save ink / toner in my printouts. No jagged lines, very smooth...)
600dpi: for HQ printing (presentations/work/books); needs quality printing paper (for grayscale and color).
1200dpi: professional printing; needs high quality printing paper (for color and maybe grayscale print).
2400dpi and up: custom (art/photography) professional printing; needs special printing papers (for color print).

In reply to by Ziya Mete Demircan

I do not know which printer brand you are using for printing scores made with MuseScore and at which resolution but the Epson which I am now using specify that printing up to 4800x4400 dpi is possible and I cannot adjust even to 600x600 dpi ! See the Epson spec in the attachment.
Moreover if I compare the Epson with my old HP printed scores (no jagged lines, absolutely sharp lines), for me the Epson WF-7715 produces an unacceptable result.

Attachment Size
Printresolution.png 86.88 KB

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