Creating chords at end of page

• Feb 3, 2019 - 20:45

When I add a note to a chord, the add note feature remains on that chord so I can continue to build the chord (good). When I start building a chord, or add notes to a chord, at the end of the last measure of a page, however, it jumps forward to the next page. To add another note to the chord, I have to go back a page. It should stay on the chord until I'm finished building it.


If you add a note to the chord using the keyboard, Shift+notename you might not ebven notice the jump.
Another alternative would be to use Continuous mode, so it only 'jumps' to the next measure rather than the next system or even page.

The problem is MuseScore cannot read your mind and know if you're going to add another note to the chord or not. So whichever way it guesses, it will be wrong half the time. So you pretty much just need get used to either toggling the pan option or else simply pressing the left cursor after entering the last note of a page if you need to add more notes to the chord and need to see it for whatever reason (note you don't actually need to see it - the shortcuts work fine even with it offscreen). Or use Continuous view.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

What do you mean, I don't need to see it? If I'm still building the chord, I need to see it. Disabling it by turning off automatic pan in playback is a workaround. It seems to me that the program does not have to guess. If I'm about to enter a note below an existing note, which I'm sure the program could detect, and I do enter another note, then don't pan. But I'm willing to use the workaround. The real challenge to using MS 3 is finding the workarounds. It's like a little puzzle. But the price is right.

In reply to by Michael E. Henderson

You definitely do not need to see a chord to add notes to it. I guess you must be using the mouse to enter notes, but that's the most inefficient method. Better is to use keyboard shortcuts, or the piano keyboard window, or MIDI, none of which require seeing the chord.

Anyhow, as I said, MuseScore cannot know whether the next note you will enter will be on the previous chord or not. How could it possibly read your mind?

Sono matter what it does in page view, it's wrong some of the time as I said before. That is why continuous view is recommended for this type of usage. Have you tried that?

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