soundfont with "singing words"
Hi, today I finished my soundfont "Agnus Dei".....with singing words......
I was trying to make one to see if it would work with Musescore and yes it does!
My next project will be Kyrie-Gloria-Sanctus and because I own several versions of Ave Maria, I will make a soundfont for that as well.
As a former conductor I have many Latin masses and now I can listen to these without a choir........
(excuses for my English....I am Dutch...)
The example is "Agnus Dei" from Bruckner (Choral Messe in F)
I hope you like it as much as I do.........Ben
Attachment | Size |
Agnus-Dei-compleet.ogg | 1.51 MB |
Sounds very nice! Thanks for sharing.
Is this choir soundfont available for download? Or do you custom-make the font for every new piece?
In reply to Sounds very nice! Is this… by NagyMusic
Thanks for the positive reply.......this soundfont is not (yet) available foor download......
It is universal for every Agnus Dei, but not every score is the same (slurs/ties).....
I'm busy with a more universal soundfont.....only with vowels and no that will be very universal for every score.......listen to same Agnus Dei (a piece of it) and let me know if you like it too.....
If so, I'll send you this soundfont, ok?
In reply to Hi, Thanks for the positive… by Balsie
I'd welcome the opportunity to hear Agnus Dei. Once again, thanks for your wonderful work in this area. I can't wait to hear more!
In reply to I'd welcome the opportunity… by NagyMusic
I finished the soundfont with only vowels:
I have made an example with this font....
It's Kyrie from Perosi, only a small piece.........
In reply to Sounds very nice! Is this… by NagyMusic
Something went wrong, I don't get the new file attached......
If you give me your mail, I will send it to you.
In reply to Something went wrong, I don… by Balsie
Zip the file and attach it. MuseScore probably didn't like the file type.
In reply to Zip the file and attach it… by mike320
Hi Mike,
Thank you!
I have zipped the file.....
Hope it worked.......I hear from you...Ben
In reply to Zip the file and attach it… by mike320
Hi Mike,
Hi, my soundfont is finished......
I want to publish it for sharing, but it's too big..........even when I zip it..........
Can you tell me how to do that?
Thanks, Ben
In reply to Hi Mike, Hi, my soundfont… by Balsie
If you have a google account, save it to your google drive and post a link to it here.
In reply to If you have a google account… by mike320
I have a google account and I just saved it to my google drive.…
In reply to I have a google account and… by Balsie
Hi, i was looking for the soundfont but the link says the page no longer exists. Could you attach the zipped file here, please?
In reply to I have a google account and… by Balsie
Hi Balsie,
As you may know, your soundfont is no longer available at the google drive link you posted. Is there another link for it?
This is great!
How do you switch between the different sounds / vowels in the score?
Hi, balsie. Do you have developed an instrument.xml file for to have the patches of your vowel soundfont available into the change instrument list of edit menu?
Many thanks.
My English is really poor too, I am an italian, from Florence.
Where did you find the samples to include in your vowel soundfont? I'm interested in expanding the soundfont to include consonants (if you have not done this already!) so then I can build a library of Arpabet phonemes. At the moment I am having to use Synthesizer V (like Vocaloid) to prepare rehearsal aids for a choir. Synthesizer V is very good, but the voices are limited to Japanese-sounding English. Your samples are much more realistic... Any help very welcome. Tony.
Balsie, I downloaded the soundfont and it works, but I don't know how to set vowels or consonants.
In reply to Balsie, I downloaded the… by Official Paino
Hi, i was looking for the soundfont but the link says the page no longer exists. Could you attach the zipped file here, please?
In reply to Hi, i was trying to install… by Antonio Di Martino
you can find some of these vocal soundfonts here;
have fun
In reply to you can find some of these… by bottrop
thank you!
In reply to you can find some of these… by bottrop
cool. seems none have singing vowels. or is there one which i missed?
Toevallig stoot ik op dit fragment. Zelf ben ik ook op zoek naar een manier om koormuziek vanuit een partituur om te zetten naar MP3 met gezongen tekst. Is er een mogelijkheid om deze soundfont te installeren?
Met dank bij voorbaat!
Johan Hermans
In reply to Toevallig stoot ik op dit… by Groepsmusiceren
Dit zal m.i. niet goed lukken met soundfonts, noch met VST's. Veel verder als Ohh en Ahh, met enkele (of zelfs enkele tientallen) varianten erop zult u niet geraken. Alleszins geen gezongen tekst.
Ik zou eens Synthesizer V proberen ( )
Tegenwoordig worden in MuseScore Lyrics geëxporteerd in midi files. (voorheen: export als musicxml, omzetten naar Synthesizer V .spv formaat: zie )
Synthesizer V heeft stemmen voor Japans, Chinees en Engels. Voor Nederlands gezongen zal er wel héél veel tweaking nodig zijn om het resultaat min of meer aceptabel te maken.
Very Nice ; i would like to get convincing voice soundfonts with the possibility of having them singing text . Do you know of realistic soundfonts available ? I can use them on Audio Evolution Mobile for Android .
Your piece sounds very good , Bravo.