Space for chords in a score

• Feb 25, 2019 - 04:27

The spacing for the chords in scores are terrible. Why cant the bar just stretch a little so the chords dont stack up like that? The bar stretches when you add notes, why not chord names? Putting in breaks and spacers dont count...

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It's not usual of course to have so many empty measures with chords, so this issue doesn't tend to come up much in real world scores. That said, the algorithm currently only adds space for chords that are attached to individual adjacent notes or rests. It's not ideal to be sure, and something we hope to address in an update. Meanwhile, using breaks, or increasing stretch, is a good way to go if you do come across this.

In reply to by george.machado

I probably don't understand exactly what you are trying to do. I suggest that you consistently do like you did in measure 10 and space out the chords so they make sense. You can even use the fill with slashes command to spread out measure so your chord symbols don't seem to be in random points in the measures.

In reply to by george.machado

As I mentioned, it would be extremely unusual to have so many completely empty measures on a single line of music with chord symbols. If you're denoting a section of a piece for improvisation, it's usually better to use Tools / Fill With Slashes instead of leaving them empty, but either way, you would also normally use system breaks to put only 4 measures per line. See for example Format / Add/Remove System Breaks, or add them manually from the palette if you prefer. With fewer measures per system - which is definitely how this type of music is normally formatted - you won't have those sorts of collisions, since everything will already be spaced out better.

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