How Do I Mark a Forum as Having Been Read?
Please see title. I didn't see anything that suggests I could mark a forum as read.
Please see title. I didn't see anything that suggests I could mark a forum as read.
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A previous request: #109961: Add a "Mark all as read" button to the forums
In reply to A previous request: #109961:… by Shoichi
So it looks like there is currently NO WAY to mark a forum as being "read"?
In reply to So it looks like there is… by skrontle
In reply to see… by Jojo-Schmitz
So: Support then Forum, select a forum (e.g. Support and bug reports) and from the three dots access the drop-down list
In reply to So: Support then Forum,… by Shoichi
Only I don't see it...
Darn, now I do :-)