Coda symbol placement

• Aug 21, 2016 - 06:06

MuseScore 2.0.3 on Windows 7. Playback of a segment is incorrect relative to coda symbol placement. I find as follows:

I have segno, codaa, and codab markers, with D.C. al Coda in the measure immediately preceding codab. After the D.C. al Coda is executed and playback returns to the segno, it proceeds through rather than just to the measure that follows the barline where the codaa marker is placed. To make playback match the visual notation (in which it is customary to place the codaa symbol at the jump point to codab) I have to place two coda markers in the score. I place a visible one labeled just coda (so it doesn't control the playback) at the desired jump point, and I place the codaa marker one measure before the jump point and make it invisible. That should not be necessary.

What needs to happen is that playback should jump forward at the barline where the codaa marker is placed. Instead, it is jumping forward at the following barline.


Correcting my statement: I have D.S. al Coda, not D.C. al Coda.

In response to your question, I should not require a To Coda marker. All the elements needed are present without it.

In reply to by Gerald Reynolds

To be clear:

In MuseScore, the thing you need to add to your score to cause a jump to the coda is the "To Coda" element in the palette. The coda sign itself is how you mark the start of the coda - the *destination* of the jump. In certain genres of music, it can be common to simply use a coda sign to indicate the starting point for the jump rather than the phrase "To Coda", but you still need to add it as "To Coda" and then you can edit it lter to just be the coda sign (use the F2 palette while editing).

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

This very comment should be added in the Handbook! Been looking through there and been trying to figure out how to do this "small coda sign as the 'to coda' " that is customary in most sheet music of pop songs I've ever seen in print in Sweden where I come from. (Actually never seen "To Coda" being written ever, even if it makes sense.) This comment solved it perfectly!

In reply to by gertahnstrom1

FWIW, use of the coda sign to mean "to coda" is indeed common in pop and jazz; text is more common in classical.

I wouldn't want to lose the standard form used in classical music, but for the benefit of jazz/pop. I could certainly see adding an additional palette element with both text and the coda sign. But I still suspect many people writing those genres would just try using the plain coda sign, which still wouldn't work.

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

Although it seemed a bit overkill to create a custom palette just for this, I decided to give it a try. I managed to add 'To ' (you should see the coda symbol here) to the 'Repeats & Jumps' palette in my custom workspace. Unfortunately, I can only get a small text symbol there; not the same symbol as the symbol at the actual Coda.

In reply to by [DELETED] 1307581

Thank you for correcting my misunderstanding and misuse of the elements, and for the edited score. It seems the edited version used a different font than I was using, so the elements didn't appear correctly, but I deleted and replaced them as you did, and it appears and plays back correctly now. Thank you too for the suggestion to use the F2 palette to replace To Coda with the coda symbol. I'll know how to do it correctly in the future.

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