Minimal Width Palettes increases when creating custom workspace in RC3.1
Minimal width seems to be dependent of the name of the workspace.
A choice for extra components doesn't seem to influence the width.
I experimented with two custom workspaces.
Deleting the custom workspace brings you back to the minimal width seemingly determined bij the width of the word 'Advanced'. A longer name however takes away much canvas surface.
It would be fine if the width of the name doesn't influences the width of the Palettes.
OS: Windows 10 (10.0), (64-bit):, 8b1a7dc
I'm not aware of anything that changed the width of palettes between 3.0.5 and 3.1. I always use a custom palette and I haven't noticed what you are talking about in 3.1-rc, the same version you reference. Here's a picture of my palettes, I even created a new workspace for this test with the name "Extra Workspace Palette" to see if I was missing something. Here are my results:
In reply to I'm not aware of anything… by mike320
Thank you for responding! The wider one on my system is called 'Extra advanced'. If your name is 'extra work' than the name could still match the space reserved for 'Advanced'. If your name is really 'Extra Workspace Palette' ; well, I don't see the capitals E and W in your image and something else is happening. Or for some unknown reason your system operates differently than mine in this respect?
Location: C:\Users\UserName\AppData\Local\MuseScore\MuseScore3\workspaces
In reply to Thank you for responding!… by [DELETED] 135427
My workspace I created for this test is called extra workspace palette but MuseScore truncated since the width is too narrow. Sorry, when I created the palette I used all lower case, when I responded to you I used title case.
I'm curious, did you decrease the extra advanced palette's width to the minimum or did you leave it as is when you created the palette. I can decrease the width of all my palettes to the same, regardless of the names I put on them.
In reply to My workspace I created for… by mike320
Maximum canvas I find important. So the advanced workspace is always at its minimum. In this state I created the 'Extra advanced' workspace which turned out to be at its minimum when I tried to decrease the width to make it the same as the Advanced one. So there seems to be no truncating in my case.
In reply to Maximum canvas I find… by [DELETED] 135427
To elaborate: it looks like the 'Extra advanced' workspace in my case widens unnecessarily the minimum Palette width. When I remove this workspace from AppData the width returns to its minimum of the Advanced workspace.
In reply to To elaborate: it looks like… by [DELETED] 135427
Strange, windows 10, 3.1rc on both systems and different results on the palette widths. I'm stumped.
In reply to To elaborate: it looks like… by [DELETED] 135427
If the name you type in the panel is expanding the size of the panel, then use a short name. :)
For example my panel is like this:
In reply to If the name you type in the… by Ziya Mete Demircan
Sure, there's no problem with such a 'workaround'! But is there an anomaly or do you (on Windows?) experience the same with a long Palette name? And is your Palette on minimal width? In my case not all letters of the name 'Arpeggio's & Glissando's' are visible.
In reply to Sure, there's no problem… by [DELETED] 135427
When you first add the custom workspace to the palette, it cuts and doesn't show the part of the title that you insert that doesn't fit the size of the palette.
But in your next opening, the width of the palette is set to the size of the longest workspace-title there.
If "Arpeggio & Glisandos" doesn't fit, you can adjust the size of the palette. Just lengthen the boundary of the palette to the right. (But you already know that.)
No problem to expand the size of the palette window anyway. The problem is to be able to preserve the smallest width size.
In reply to When you first add the… by Ziya Mete Demircan
" But in your next opening, the width of the palette is set to the size of the longest workspace-title there."
So I assume that your experience is the same as mine. Mike320 hasn't got this 'problem'. That's why I use the term 'anomaly'.
Personally I would prefer the mimimum width of the Palettes to be even much narrower to have as large a Canvas as possible.
In this context I am very curious to the results of this year's GSoC.….
In reply to " But in your next opening,… by [DELETED] 135427
I missed a crucial step in this process somewhere. You must close and reopen MuseScore to see it. I just read that for the first time (at least that I'm aware of) and tried it. I now have the same problem!
In reply to I missed a crucial step in… by mike320
I thought about a feature request: something like 'Please make the minimal Palette width the same as the minimum proximity for selecting elements (in Prefs > Canvas)'.
But I think it's better to await the results of the GSoC project about Palette accessibility.
In reply to " But in your next opening,… by [DELETED] 135427
The content of this GSoC link didn't look good to me.*1
I hope they fail :)
*1: (tantacrul, where are you?) 🤣
In reply to Hmm. This GSoC link didn't… by Ziya Mete Demircan
Tantacrul would shiver and explode in a creative tantrum, I suppose.
I think the shortcuts for all glyphs are the most important part of the GSoC project.
Waiting for a native implementation I developed a series of workarounds for MuseScore.
For Windows-only , using AutoHotKey, I have shortcuts to attach all glyphs of the advanced workspace. The shortcuts can be input by the computerkeyboard, an external (old) Midi keyboard or via a Launchpad with 80 or more buttons with the possibility of several templates depending on workflow. (Also with a StreamDeck with its nicely lit icons.)
The point here could be: how to manage a massive amount of shortcuts?
I hope to publicize the results of this AutoHotKey project in a not too distant future.
Again about the width of the Palettes: that's why I care about the graphical aspects. For instance, on my system the layout of the two contextual 'Select more' windows - minimized - has changed a bit between 3.0.5 and RC3.1 meaning slightly different coordinates. The same with the Inspector, for the better to be sure!
In reply to Tantacrul would shiver and… by [DELETED] 135427
Shortcuts can be controlled by entering more than one key.
For example, let's say the main shortcut is "shift+p" for the palettes:
For "Palettes, Clefs, Clef-1" we can use the "shift + p, c, 1" shortcut.
As long as a shortcut system for pallets is defined.
Thus, an easy process area can be created for the visually impaired people.
Of course, it is perfect, if a system is develops as follows:
If you press Shift + p, the system will inform you: "You press the Palettes shortcut",
And after, if you press by the "c" key: system will tell you: "You selected the clefs".
And lastly if you press the "1" key, the system will tell you: "You have selected the 3rd line, C Clef "