Why you don't write name of lyric writer(?

• May 28, 2019 - 12:22


Who, where, when? Why don't you?
The new score wizard asks you for a lyricist and put that into the title frame and the score properties. Either can get changed/filled later too (independant of one another).

One of the things that Western countries are most sensitive is that they specify the Composer, Songwriter, Arranger, Editor (if any) and also the Publisher of the musical works.
This has been the case for centuries.

Sorry misdirected by pc on the way.
In Musescore I changed Language ,Japanese to English temporarily ,to know some English words for music.
I could see composer only in a score sheet appeared first on the screen.
In Japan almost usually names of lyricist and composer are written ,I think both worth.
I supose in your country you write lyricist sometimes,when nedded and not important so much?
I would like you to hear how you think about it (difference in way of thinking between you & us),just for my information and simply.(I am not asking about Musescore)
Thanking in advance for somebody's reply .

In reply to by hikaruhasu

It sounds like maybe you are saying you downloaded a score from musescore.com and are looking at that, and are asking why the person who created that score did not add the name of the lyricist? if so, then that sounds like a question you should be asking the person who uploaded that score to musescore.com. You can do so in comments section for that score, right there on msuescore.com.

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