How do I restore this feature from before the patch?

• May 30, 2019 - 01:41

Hi there,

Before the latest patch, the automatic placement tab prevented my moving certain kinds of text into the bar measures by limiting where the text could go.

For example, if you look at the attached file above the very first bar where it says "Verse - Cantor" - in the previous version, I could have selected that text, hit the "down" button on my keyboard, and it would have utterly refused to go down any further. I liked this feature: in the present version, it will simply go down and mesh right into the barline. How do I restore the previous functionality?

Thank you,

Attachment Size
Tone 3 Stich 06 Monday.mscz 19.83 KB


Interesting, why would you go out of your way to move it down knowing you would then be told you can't? Why not just not move it down to begin with?

There is no way to directly ask MuseScore to prevent this any more, but if you find you've moved something somewhere you wish you hadn't, you can click the "reset" button next to the "minimum distance" setting in the Inspector. This will force the element back to the place where the autoplace default settings would normally have allowed.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

To answer your question, what I was doing in the previous version of MuseScore (you should go ahead and try this because it is extremely valuable and useful) is that when I created the staff text, I would highlight it and hit "down" - it would then indeed move down until it couldn't move down any more. The default spacing was different than the spacing that was the absolute minimum for which it would refuse to go any further - it made for a really nice uniform staff text spacing that looked fantastic. I'd love to have this simple limitation again.

In reply to by Gidoza

I'm confused. If the goal is uniform staff text positioning, why mess with manual adjustments at al? Why not simply set the default staff style style the way you like? Position one, hit the "set as style" button in the Inspector, and all staff text shows up in the same spot by default.

Athough what you describe woudn't have produced truly uniform positioning at - the staff text would have stopped at different places depending on how high notes were above the staff. And the method I describe here produces the exact same result - but with less effort.

If I'm missing some reason why simply setting the default doesn't accomplish the same thing in a much easier way, please attach a score and describe what you are doing in more detail.

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