Lost file
Yesterday I saved a file but I don't know exactly where. Now I can't find it. I searched in musescore and in my whole computer but I don't find it. On the website I found a place where the files are saved but also there I didn't find it... can anybody tell me where the file could be?
It should be in your recent files list under the File menu.
In reply to It should be in your recent… by mike320
I already looked but it isn't...
In reply to I already looked but it isn… by MusicHusky
You will need to search your disk for the file. I suggest that you look for all files on your hard drive with the .mscz extension in case you misnamed it. You can then start looking in files that were saved at about the right time.
In reply to You will need to search your… by mike320
I also did that. I searched for the name and then for the date but there wasn't any file with the date of yesterday.
In reply to I also did that. I searched… by MusicHusky
You searched by extension of .mscz? try .mscx.
In reply to You searched by extension of… by mike320
I found it!!! Thank you so much :D
In reply to I found it!!! Thank you so… by MusicHusky
I'm curious how you found it. Perhaps I can give advice to prevent this in the future.