Scroll Bars AWOL

• Jun 14, 2019 - 02:06

I have an orchestra score. In page view, the bottom 4 staves are cut off no matter what magnification I use. In continuous view, all staves show. That's fine, but there are no scroll bars so that I can move around in the score. I see no setting in MS about this. Didn't there used to be scroll bars? I mean, I just bought a bridge a guy from Brooklyn was selling, so maybe I'm confused.
A second question would be if there is a way to add (for example) an eighth note on the second half of beat three without having to put rests before it?

Bob (I think)


MuseScore never had scroll bars in the score views. In every view the scroll wheel on your mouse allows you to move up and down, shift + scroll moves left and right. What you are seeing in the page view is that your paper is not big enough for your staves. Use Format->Page settings and either make the paper larger or scaling smaller.

On the second question, basically you must have 4 beats of something in every 4/4 measure. So if you want a note on a certain beat, it must have either rests or notes before it.

In reply to by bobjp

Interesting that continuous shows all.

MuseScore was originally released as a WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get) score transcription application. Users were primarily concerned with how their notated scores would look once printed. They wanted to be assured everything would fit on a page, and that all musical notation was properly formatted. (Simply put, a score of 20+ instruments each with a 1 inch staff can not fit on a sheet of paper 11 inches high. The lowest staves will not print and so are not shown - i.e., WYSIWYG - as you have discovered.)
Back then, there was no continuous view.

As MuseScore has evolved through its succesive iterations, continuous view was added at the request of those users (composers more so than transcribers) who were distracted by the line and page jumps while entering notes. So, continuous view was added as a new feature. As such, it really is not a "page" with finite dimensions and so can accomodate all your instruments.

Regards, and welcome aboard.

In reply to by Jm6stringer

Thanks for the info.
I have flirted with MuseScore over the last few years. Version 3.1 and the new sound font are much improved. I compose for the fun of it, and don't have any need to print anything. Odd, I know.
Is there a shortcut to get to the end of the score? I've been looking through the manual. Actually, the next thing I want to learn is the Synthesizer.
Thanks again.

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