I lost the score I uploaded to Musescore, now I can't upload audio
I have uploaded a score to Musescore with rendered audio but I lost the local file on my computer. I had a slightly modified backup of the score, but if I tried to upload it the option of updating the existing core obviously wasn't there. I could still replace my uploaded score with the backup though, on the uploaded score's "Update this score" page. Which I did. That means I can't download my original score anymore (which I should have done in the first place...). So I guess I can never do "Update existing score" from the program itself. But that's the only way I can upload a score with rendered audio, which I would REALLY like to do because I made a couple of modifications to the original score. How can I do it?
Maybe I didn't understand but...Change the name to the score and share it?
In File > Score properties > source insert the URL of the online score, then try File > Save online
In reply to In File > Score properties >… by Jojo-Schmitz
Thank you! This worked. If someone else has this problem: you have to insert the default URL of your score (which you can get by copying the link of your score on your scores page). If your score has a custom URL, it won't work.
In reply to Thank you! This worked. If… by tatsletni
Yes, I should have mentioned that.