Just to note, I found one that was just a bunch of wav files and I don't know how to put them together into an actual soundfont file and another one that had an installer that doesn't work on Windows 10.
I tried to look it up mind, wouldn't have asked here if google searching for all the possibilities didn't come up with anything I could actually manage on my own. Editing soundfonts seems like something that goes over my head. I just want the soundfont file.
I never said I wanted to do that, that's too advanced for me. I said I wanted a soundfont file. If I was able to do that I already would have tried before asking...
Just to note, I found one that was just a bunch of wav files and I don't know how to put them together into an actual soundfont file and another one that had an installer that doesn't work on Windows 10.
In reply to Just to note, I found one… by Mat Bars
Audacity is a free sound editor that will allow you to create soundfonts from .wav files.
In reply to Audacity is a free sound… by mike320
!? I use Audacity, but had no idea it could do that, nor does the web seem to turn up evidence that it can. Do you of such documentation?
In reply to Audacity is a free sound… by mike320
That's really not helpful information on its own.
In reply to Audacity is a free sound… by mike320
I tried to look it up mind, wouldn't have asked here if google searching for all the possibilities didn't come up with anything I could actually manage on my own. Editing soundfonts seems like something that goes over my head. I just want the soundfont file.
You may find something with these folks:
I know one of them uses Audacity for .wav files
In reply to You may find something with… by penne vodka
I want to use the soundfont with midi files though.
In reply to I want to use the soundfont… by Mat Bars
Sorry, wrong program, it polyphone found at https://www.polyphone-soundfonts.com/en/
I don't use them and get them confused.
I'm not sure how your midi player works, but MuseScore will play back any sounds in a soundfont.
In reply to Sorry, wrong program, it… by mike320
The problem is that the sounds are wav files, not a soundfont file
In reply to The problem is that the… by Mat Bars
ployphone allows you to turn a (or many) .wav file(s) into a sound font file.
In reply to ployphone allows you to turn… by mike320
I never said I wanted to do that, that's too advanced for me. I said I wanted a soundfont file. If I was able to do that I already would have tried before asking...