chord text above stave
look at picture, please.
6 should be Eb6 m7 = Cm7 and so forth....
a simple straight answer will do , thank you
look at picture, please.
6 should be Eb6 m7 = Cm7 and so forth....
a simple straight answer will do , thank you
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Is it an import?
Simply doubleclick on "6", move cursor in front of the "6" and type the missing "Eb". Proceed with the other chords.
In reply to Is it an import? Simply… by [DELETED] 1307581
no import. Ctrl+K
clicking the chord symbol shows it full, but the score does not and printing neither.
In reply to [inline:chord text ctrl k2… by Ja'hé
In reply to [inline:chord text ctrl k2… by Ja'hé
Please share the score
This happens if MuseScore was unable to find the chord description file as specified in Format / Style / Chord Symbols. If it's a custom file, be sure it is present in the folder specified. If you are using the regular "Jazz" style and it cannot find the file, that suggests MuseScore was not installed properly.
In reply to This happens if MuseScore… by Marc Sabatella
loadchords.xml ?
back to factory settings?
In reply to [inline:style chords.png]… by Ja'hé
No, those setting are correct, meaning the installation is faulty. What OS? If this was a self-built executable, you probably left out the install step.
In reply to No, those setting are… by Marc Sabatella
back to factory settings and still only half the chord symbol.
dot before and remains, or anything...
In reply to back to factory settings and… by Ja'hé
Again, the problem seems to be a bad installation. So no surprise that factory settings doesn't change it. What OS, and is there anything unusual about how it was installed? Try uninstall / reinstall.
In reply to Again, the problem seems to… by Marc Sabatella
delete musescore programm files and install new ? might happen again, what could be triggering it ?
In reply to delete musescore programm… by Ja'hé
Uninstall, then install
Don't manually delete files unless uninstall fails for some reason
In reply to delete musescore programm… by Ja'hé
Hard to say given we still don't have a score or know what OS you are on. We're doing our best to help based on guesswork, but we can usually do much better if we have the information we requested.
In reply to [inline:style chords.png]… by Ja'hé
One of the very few cases where a reinstall should fix things.
Yep, in this sense from another user of the German forum some time ago with a similar problem a re-installation of MuseScore solved it.