Time signature invisible spacing

• Aug 25, 2019 - 17:23

When I make a time signature invisible after the most recent updates, it seems to lose all its horizontal spacing. Is this new or am I being thick? The following notes are then much closer than in any normal system, plus it becomes really hard to select the time signature. Is it just me? (see attachment)

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In reply to by MrReedSWCHS

I'd say it's a bug. MuseScore is probably getting confused about which style setting to apply - the one for space between clef and time signature, or clef and note, or time signature and note, and ends up doing nothing.

Meanwhile, though, if your goal is to have a score with no time signatures, don't make it invisible - supress it entirely in Staff Properties.

In version 2, when you made a time signature invisible it left the space for it. This space was eliminated in version 3. I have a few scores I did this to so I'd have room for things like rehearsal marks, now the useless invisible time signature is there until I decide I want to take the time to reset all of the system breaks. Some of my scores are in excess of 700 measures :(

Seems to be introduced with MS 3.1 (?). At least with MS 3.0.5 it doesn't change the spacing (in the same way for example with a key signature). Seems making this element invisible lost the settings of auto-placement. Workaround: changing the offset of 'segment' inside the inspector for the visible elements of the same measure?

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